Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oh Give Thanks!!

Hello beautiful people!! It is time to give thanks!

The wonderful thing about remembering what you have been blessed with is it removes the complaining spirit and moves the focus off of what you don’t have. We all have had a time in our lives where we didn’t have the things that we now haves. When I say things I’m not just talking about the tangible but the intangible as well.

I believe that we should make the effort to be thankful all the time but this time of year is a reminder of all people that it’s good to be thankful. It’s good to help those that are in need and its good to know that there is always someone worst off than you are.

So I’m going to share some things that I’m grateful and thankful for. Remember that this is not all inclusive and its not a prioritized list.

Health (Good)
Sanity (that’s relative lol)
Self worth
Holy Spirit
K-Love Radio
Leslie Sansone (she makes those bad workout days better)
Work ethic
Positive Attitude
My Smile
My Shape
My Voice
My love for singing
My love for Praise and for Worship
My Love for learning
My Big Mouth
Being an Overcomer
A Will to do Better.

Feel free to add something you are thankful for to the comments.
Have a safe, happy and blessed Holiday Beautifuls.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 1 of Beautiful Transformations Challenge - Green Smoothie

Good evening beautiful people. I have had a challenge week but I have had some small victories. One of them is that I made my first green smoothie.

My recipe can be found here if you are on

When I shopped I didn't have anything particular in mind but after watching a view videos yesterday I decided to use spinach as my green base.

Spinach, carrots, avocado, banana, frozen blueberries, mango, pineapple and vanilla coconut milk.

Ok let me back track. Originally I wanted to buy a juicer and do green drinks but a good friend suggested revisiting smoothies because the texture will make it interesting. So I pulled out the trusty blender filled it with spinach put the carrots in and banana and some coco milk at first it wouldn't blend but after I added more milk it was easy to blend then I added all my frozen fruit (no sugar added).

I was sooo excited and it was soooo good. I didn't add any sugar. I thought I wouldn't get past the green look but I didn't have a problem at all. It was good and filling.

Feel free to leave recipes suggestions and your smoothie stories.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Pursuit of God - God and God alone...Thoughts

I’m currently reading “The Pursuit of God” by A. W. Tozer. This book was written in the 1940s. I love the way it reads. It's poetic. I also the love the word usage a lot of words and phrases we don't use in the context as he does but it is very easy to understand. He's like a Shakespeare for God. :-)

I want to share an excerpt with you all. I believe this is relevant to today’s church and society. Do you agree or Disagree? Please comment on your feelings or reactions to this.

“Every age has its own characteristics. Right now we are in an age of religious complexity. The simplicity which is in Christ is rarely found among us. In its stead are programs, methods, organizations and a world of nervous activities which occupy time and attention but can never satisfy the longing of the heart. The shallowness of our inner experience, the hollowness of our worship, and the servile imitation of the world which marks our promotional methods all testify that we, in this day, know God only imperfectly, and the peace of God scarcely at all.

            If we would find God amid all the religious externals we must first determine to find Him, and then proceed in the way of simplicity. Now as always God discovers Himself to “babes” and hides Himself in thick darkness from the wise and the prudent. We must simplify our approach to Him. We must strip down to essentials (and they will be found to be blessedly few). We must put away all effort to impress, and come with the guileless candor of childhood. If we do this, without doubt God will quickly respond.

When religion has said its last word, there is little that we need other than God Himself. The evil habit of seeking God-and effectively prevents us from finding God in full revelation. In the “and” lies our great woe. If we omit the “and” we shall soon find God, and in Him we shall find that for which we have all our lives been secretly longing.

We need not fear that in seeking God only we may narrow our lives or restrict the motions of our expanding hearts. The opposite is true. We can well afford to make God our All, to concentrate, to sacrifice the many for the One.”

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hey, Hey, Hey

Hey Y’all,

Ok here’s what’s going on with me.

Monday Night I started installing Yarn braids. So each night I’ve been braiding. So Tuesday and Wednesday I wore hats to work with a bang. Thursday I had enough braids to pull into a ponytail over the center that wasn’t braided yet.

Tuesday's Hat

Wednesday's Hat

Thursday's partially braided ponytail.

I received my gift from the giveaway  for the KinkyNappyHappy Protective Style Challenge which was a Satin Scarf.  I will do a review video on that later.

I also received my prize from Curly Nikki’s Forum Giveaway. I received some Pantene Shampoo and Jane Carter’s Solution Curl Defining Cream.

Weight loss:
BeautifulBrwnbabyDol is hosting a 2 month Weight Loss Challenge on her website, YT and FB page. I have decided to participate.

I will post my goals and plan to come out better than when I began.

I ‘m also thinking about trying my hand at juicing that will be very interesting.

I’m still reading the book I have bough but I haven’t any action plan together yet.

I’m celebrating my 3rd year of wearing natural hair so I’m working on some beautiful things for my subscribers.

I’m still working on my memory verses. I have slowed down the pace though. I went from learning a verse a week to one every two weeks but progress is progress. I’m also working on being more thankful and giving God all the glory, honor and credit for everything that has taken place in my life.

This is a picture of the sky as i was leaving work yesterday. Looks like a storm in them there clouds!

Talk to you later.

Be blessed.

Monday, November 07, 2011

What I am putting into my brain.....

Hi everyone. I just wanted to drop in and let you all know I had a great weekend. It was busy and tiring but it was great.

Today I want to share with you the books that I'm reading.

Book: Made to Crave: Fulfilling Your Deepest Desires with God, Not Food
Author: Lysa TerKeurst
Comments: So far it's great motivation. There is a work book and DVD for participants.

Book: Bible Memory Plan: 52 Verses You Should --and CAN--Know
Author: Pamela L. McQuade
Comments: Great book to work through and gives you tips on memorization and quality verses.

Book: The Pursuit of God
Author: A. W. Tozer
Comments: Great book. Beautifully poetic.

Book: The Weapon of Prayer - Enhanced Version
Author: E. M. Bounds
Comments: Great so far keeps you reminded of the importance of prayer.

Book: The Total Money Makeover: A proven Plan for Financial Fitness
Author: Dave Ramsey
Comments: Love the Radio show. Gonna read the book and do the plan.

Hopefully you all will get a chance to check these out and enjoy.


Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Getting my house in order - Financially

I have been thinking about getting my finances in order for a while now. I listen to several podcasts and have watched money gurus and the like for a while now.

I finally came across Dave Ramsey. I've been listening to his show but hadn't really looked into it. Well this week's show he defined his 7-baby step plan for a caller.

So in addition to working in my Made to Crave participation guide for my weight loss. I will be working on baby step 1.

Click the links above hopefully this will help you in your search.

Be blessed.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Song of the Day

New song I'm really feeling is "The Prayers" by J Moss featuring Hezekiah Walker and LFC!!

I heard it on 1420AM and I downloaded it. Its on Amazon.

Check it out!!
(drafted 8-5-11)

Yet another "Re-Commitment"

Listening to Jillian Micheal's Podcast the last couple of weeks has really helped me to know that I'm on the right track. I also learned that somethings take time. Not everyone is going to lose 100lbs in 12 months. Sometimes we have to work with being honest with ourselves. We have to acknowledge our issues and deal with them to move ahead. We have to adjust our self talk. The way we think, believe and see ourselves plays a large part in believing what we can or cannot accomplish. There are reasons why we self sabotage or refuse to do the things we know are better for us.

I have to realize that I am worth it. God doesn't make junk. He gave us a mind to think and a free will so we can change and grow. If we choose not to do that, it isn't God's fault because He didn't swoop down from heaven to be our hero and take away our problems and give us the easy way out. He has already given us everything we need to accomplish every dream and goal imaginable.

We are made in God's image. We have the power and knowledge and strength to do the impossible. The faith to dream and make those dreams come true. We have the power to speak things into existance. We can speak success into our lives. We can create change in hopeless situations.

I have recently gotten back to working out but I am still struggling with this food thing. At first I was thinking that I would just not do anything while I get my head on straight. I'm working on my self talk and completing the 6 session course of Made to Crave and reading the book, in doing this I realized somethings.

I realized that I had made progress in the last year. No I didn't lose a lot of weight while I was weight watchers. No my numbers aren't much better. But lets look at the victories.
  • I stayed with WW for a year (a first) I learned and participated more than ever before.
  • I walked my first 5k. It took me an hour but I finished it.
  • I joined a Coed gym (never thought I could work out infront of guys).
  • I am under 300lbs no matter what my faults are 300+ is a danger zone because my knees can't take it.
  • I learned not to stick my head in the sand but to acknowledge my problems. I've also learned to take those problems to the Lord and allow Him to work on me.
  • I've began doing the work and not just talking about doing it.
  • I went to Baltimore on the train from DC to meet people that I've never seen before. I was afraid and at some points downright scared but I did it afraid and I am so glad I did.
  • I have started to invest in workout gear.
  • I am learning to go at it even when I have to go alone.
  • I'm gaining more esteem.
  • I'm giving me more grace and love.

That's what I have for now. I'm sure I could ramble on forever. I'll talk to you all later.

Be blessed and be a blessing.