The other day I put Joann Rosario "Now More that Ever...Worship" in again and it took me back to how I felt when I first listened to it. This is one of the greatest CDs ever. If you don't have it please go get.
The other morning I was half sleep and the radio was on (It's great to have a 24 hour gospel station) and I heard an song title "Blessed and Highly Favored" by the Clark Sisters. I was so excited you know I have been waiting for them to do something new for years and this song sounds much like the old school Clark Sisters. It reminds me of songs like "Hi-Ya" and "Pure Gold" and "Nothing to Lose".
There will be a Final Live performance from the Clark Sisters on February 28th in Franklin, Tennessee. It will air on the Gospel Music Channel on April 10th. The DVD will be available in June and the CD will be available April 10th.
If you love Old School Music. Bishop G.E. Patterson's "Singing the Old Time Way" Volumes 1 and 2 is just for you. I love this so much. Please pick it up. You will be glad you did. This is also on DVD.
I also have a little to say about Kelly Price's Gospel project. I like most of the tracks. Some are old school songs plus my favorite contemporary track "I need a Healing". The only issue I have is with CD is the track titled "Warning". It portrays someone asking for prayer and when the man of God starts telling the person that if you don't obey God you won't be blessed. Then the person is offended and starts issuing a "warning" to the preacher. Personally I believe that is the worst track on the album. I wonder why is it when someone is speaking blessing and healing it is well recieved but the same person that claims relationship can't take correction. If some of us would read in the Word a little deeper we will know that there are a lot of conditional promises in the Bible. So I admonish everyone to be careful about how you recieve things from God it is all for your good whether we want to hear it or not.