Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Your Choice. Let's Do it Again!!

I wrote this in 2008 after an associate of mine went into a long disertation as to why he wasn't voting and it was his right not to. He is a black male and the main reason was because he didn't want to stand in line all day. At the time he made this statement he wasn't working.

You all can draw your own conclusions just like I did but I am glad I came across this today.

I hope you enjoy!!

It was your choice. Let’s do it again.

Today is such a great day. Yesterday November 4th, 2008 we elected our first Black or African American President. This race wasn’t just about race, it is about change. Taking a chance on someone that isn’t packaged like the status quo. Someone that doesn’t believe that business as usual is still acceptable.

That’s how the civil rights movement was started people believed that keeping things as they were was unacceptable. Women had to fight for the right to vote. Blacks had to fight for the right to vote. Even when they voted they couldn’t vote in peace just like they couldn’t protest in peace. The powers that be saw the threat and came at them with hoses, guns, dogs, and bombs. Women lost there husbands and men lost there wives. Parents lost their children but onward they marched. So if you didn’t vote it’s your right not too, but it is a disgrace to the people who laid their lives, families and livelihood on the line for a dream that people that they didn’t know or would never meet will have the right to choose the president, senator, governor, school board member, etc. of their choice.

This is a direct correlation to salvation. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. He laid down His life for people yet to come, people who turn Him away everyday. He was marched from judgment hall to judgment hall beaten all night long. I see Him stomped on and whipped the flesh coming off of His back, the muscle and white flesh beneath exposed and blood just running from His body. But yet ‘He opened not His mouth’ He didn’t defend Himself, He didn’t complain, He just took it. Isaiah 53 said “He was like a lamb ready to be slaughtered the same as a lamb who is ready to be shaven is dumb, silent, and mute.”

Why? He was becoming sin for the whole world. When they applied Jesus to the cross He was sin for all mankind. All your hang-ups, issues and faults on the cross. The crown of thorns bore the wayward thoughts, mental illness and all mental incapacities that we may use as excuses to sin. His hands were pierced for any sin that we may commit. His feet were pierced for any places we may go that is not in His will or lined up with God. He was exposed and humiliated so we wouldn’t have to be exposed. And all that was covered in His blood like we are covered by His blood. The nails, the thorns, the welts and wounds in his body were all covered in the blood of Jesus.

Why, because He loved us so. Bloody, beaten, and tortured, nailed to a tree for everyone to see an exposed man, an innocent man, the Son of God chose to remain on the cross and suffer a sinner’s death that we all have a chance to be free and reconciled to the Father, that we will no longer be slaves to sin but heirs and joint heirs in Christ.

Maurette Brown-Clark said it best. I saw a crowd with White man, Black man, Arab man, women, boys and girls lifting their hands surrendering their lives to the Lord.

“I dream that your soul would be saved, I dreamed that your life will never be the same. Although I may never know your name, I dreamed your soul and I saw it saved.”

Now you may not be sure about your electoral vote or choice was the correct one. You may not know if things will work out like we all expect. But one thing for sure when you choose Jesus Christ as your personal savior it is the best choice.

Don’t turn His gift away. Don’t let that dream die. Right now so many of us are living the dream that our ancestors could only slightly imagine, so why not live the ultimate dream. The time is now and the day is the day to hear God’s voice and not to harden your heart to His call. Time is short and no man knows the day or the hour when the son of God will appear.

Make Jesus your choice today.

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